Tuesday, October 9, 2012

4 monthsss!!

Grayson is now officially 4 months he weighs 14 pounds and is 26 inches! He has accomplished rolling over back to front and front to back! He also reaches for things started eating some baby food and he constantly wants me to help him stand! He just wants to stand all day long!.
 Dereks family came into town this past weekend! We had fun at Grayson's first BYU game! He mostly was freezing the whole time but I think it was so loud he was just wide eyed and confused the whole time (aka) he LOVED it! haha
 Grayson's Gamma (my mom) is coming this next weekend and Grayson has never been more excited in his life! :) The last time he saw her was when he was 8 weeks old!!! Connecticut has kept them apart!
My childhood friend is getting married this weekend which is going to be the most beautiful wedding ever so this Taylor family is excited for the wedding festivities!!!

And a great way to end this post..... this Saturday Oct 13, will mark the ONE year mark from the day mine and Dereks lives were changed forever!! We found out Grayson was going to be making our BRANDNEW marriage of 6 weeks.... into a family of 3!!!! WOW were we thrown for a loop! But its been the biggest blessing!! We love our little honeymoon surprise!!! :)


  1. ahhah oh my gosh i just got done reading this and watching that video and then realized how huge i was smiling... and now i feel like an idiot. haha, but im still smiling huge cuz im just so happy! those pictures are seriously the MOST adorable, and i love that grayson is watching spongebob and how you said he just loves to stand all day long!! SO freaking cute, i miss you guys sooo much.
